Projects using Gene Set Z-score (GSZ)

Following are the links to projects that have successfully implemented and evaluated GSZ:

PANNZER project : This is project where we developed a tool for generating functional annotations for unknown sequences. GSZ was one of the best performing score functions in the annotation task

Meta analysis of large set of gene expression data : Combining many different gene expression datasets is difficult task. We solved the problem by analyzing individual datasets with GSZ.

Comparison of various gene set methods : Naeem et al. evaluated different gene set analysis methods. GSZ was stated to show "very good results".

Analysis of Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) for enrichment signal: Wirth et al. have used GSZ to analyze the ordered gene lists, generated with SOM cluster centers, to find enriched biological classes.


GOParGenPy (2013): A software tool to generate sparse or full binary matrices from Gene Ontology annotated gene sets. The obtained binary matrix can then be used with any analysis environment and with any analysis methods.